Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

a tool

so i feel like such a tool but i still can't help loving Shepard Fairey, the artist behind Obey. Does it really make me a sell out if i like a sell-out's art...hmmm...i'm having an internal conflict right now. although maybe it's just the stencil and colour style that i like. he does use most of my favorite colour combinations...maybe that's it. I did see a sweet bottle of wine the other day with this style label although i think it would be more appropriate for vodka, maybe.

but at least i still like Kawsone so that makes me mildly legit right?

my roommate's boyfriend is sleeping in her bed right now and snoring...kind of annoying since she's not even here

Monday, April 7, 2008

my future children

don't ask me how i'm going to end up with a Korean baby, I'll figure that one out later.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

mano negra

I am the creator/editor of a zine called Mano Negra in Humboldt County, Ca. We use to have a pretty good circulation going around campuses and the like but we (all of the writers and I) have recently fallen apart.
The original purpose for my zine was to get radical people involved in writing and sharing their knowledge or the "real world" as we like to call it. Needless to say, the writers had different ideas. So the zine became a compilation of 6-8 of us, mostly girls, who wrote on a singular topic and how it related to our lives. This was actually part of my original idea but then topics people wanted to write on became less and less radical until we just started to rant, which is fine but it's not what i wanted out of my zine.
Classes made us drift a little as the semester ended and it got harder and harder for us to meet, for a while they actually had to meet without me but we were still able to come up with our February issue, our 4th issue, but our designated printer never got around to sending us copies so that we could print. It's all but a memory now but i remember and want my original plan to come to life.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

one more and then i'm done

i don't know how i found jerry time but now i have a new past lame use of words there

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

my new boyfriend

watch out

or Dihydrogen Monoxide will get you.
read it? you don't get it? think about it real hard.