Friday, March 20, 2009

Bookfair Weekend

It was a wonderful weekend. millenium....soo good.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i just got ahold of mike xvx's new album, 'rewild'. it doesn't have as much catchiness as his first album BUT what it does have is passion, intimacy and raw emotion. it continues on themes of animal liberation, feminism, and general freedom in a way which reaches a wider audience than the general seven generations and gather fans, but keeps to it's roots.

I feel a lot more from this album.

Before it actually came out one of it's tracks titled "i'm not afraid to admit that i need help" found me in a hard spot one night. it was before i actually talked to him on a more regular basis but it was a time when i felt alone, not that i didn't think that anyone else didn't feel the way that i did, but that i had never heard it before.

the first couple chapters in my novel Naomi are heavily influenced by his music.

i recommend getting ahold of his music to anyone who's looking for a little more meaning in their lives

my favorite tracks are : "my favorite place" and "that night i dreamed of arson"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

for any graphic designers out there

I'm so good at not doing my homework

i think i should major in putting things off.

i think i already put this up BUT since rhonda was talking to me, i remembered to spend a little time at

Monday, March 2, 2009


I have a hard time doing anything anymore, little motivation to get off my lazy ass. once i get up i'm fine and love to do everything, it's just getting to that point. there are so many things i need to do, my zine, sewing cycling caps, homework, books i want to read, being yelled at by the rhonda etc.

on the good side I shot another 2 rolls today and i hope they come out. i've been having such bad luck with cameras lately and it's discouraging.... incredibly so.

the anarchist book fair is swiftly coming upon us.

there have been book fairs popping up everywhere from Arcata to LA but nothing beats the original. on sunday Andrej Grubacic is speaking on Wooblies & Zapatistas. i'm excited. it will be a good weekend. also the anarchist cafe is on that friday from 7-10 p.m. at 225 Potrero Ave. (Between 15th and 16th Street) if anyone cares.

hopefully i will get to see sean.

in other news, i've officially applied to byu, but my transcripts are late...not sure how that's gonna turn out...we will see. maybe i'll just adventure for a quarter? sea shepherd anyone?

i'm still a little sore from that hike. let's go on another one?

i should really just stop listening to such mellow music when i want to do something productive i need to bust out Carmensita, it always gets me pumped

you should listen to the lyrics

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Somewhere in a land far far away (Illinois) there is a magical recording studios that bands come to record at when they pass through. The sound they record is wonderful and often fresh for bands we've been listening to for a while.

For example, Bon Iver has a wonderful song called Lump Sum which he re-recorded at this's amazing.

It's also a sweet place to find new bands like Horse Feathers

bands also include Andrew Bird, Tilly and the Wall, The Mountain Goats, The get the point

and the best part? all the tracks are free!

Glass Cake

So there's this girl and she's awesome. One of my best friends in santa barbara is friends with a girl named Michelle who records music in her bathroom and she's awesome. I started listening to her at a time when i could really relate to her music. it's raw and beautiful...oh and she's also friends with one of my favorite artists, Jon Carling so I love her even more.

she put her demo up on mediafire for everyone to download and love too.