Monday, October 15, 2007

The place we call home...

So everything is just coming on so fast.
I have my classes which are fine except my stupid statistics class which will certainly be the death of me. Seriously, it brings me down, I can hardly stay the whole hour its so depressing.
I have work which is starting to look like a great obstacle, but at least I usually go to work after stats and it always makes me feel better. It may also mean that I don't get to go home for thanksgiving or for christmas and I don't know what i'm going to do when next semester comes around and i'll have at least six classes which will defiantly cut into my hours, which may mean i'll have to leave my job since i'm suppose to work from opening to closing. maybe i'll just take night classes and two morning classes, even though i promised myself i'd never take an 8 o'clock class again,'s probably the worst choice i've ever made, but at least i love the class.
I only have $83 left for food for the rest of the semester which means that I have to work more so that i can apply for food stamps and hopefully get an ebt card. did you know that you can be unemployed and not going to school and get food stamps? you can go to school part time and have no job and get food stamps? but if you go full time you have to be working at least 20 hours a week. This also may be a problem since i think my bosses are a little shifty and may not actually be sending the "taxes" they take out of my paycheck to the government, and i need my social security card which i do not have.

Other than that things have been swell,
I got a letter from my grandma joan today where she said rhonda sent me a letter with part of a letter i had sent to rhonda saying that i loved rhonda and all that jazz which i thought was funny because i write that stuff to make her feel better but now she's sending it to grams like "in yo' face!" and it's sad but grandma thought it was funny so its all good.

I did go to san francisco this weekend to have a wonderful adventure

it all started with five people in a five person car each with two backpacks on a five hour drive. It would have worked out except the girl who was driving us had a mother who insisted on carrying a years supply of food and water in the back of the car. Plus one of the girls had a grandfather who was dying as we drove and she would randomly start crying and ivan and i didn't understand why. it wasn't until about ten minutes before we dropped her off that we connected all the dots. Thankfully she made it in time. Sadly it made our trip two hours longer.
After that excitement we finally made it to Oakland/Berkley, where ever you would say sean and jocie's building falls in. One of the guys from genghis tron broke his foot so we couldn't go to the show on jocie's birthday, we went to a delicious vegan restaurant instead, but it was already 8 by the time we got there so that's all there was time for. Saturday Sean took us to Maggie Muds which sits atop a GIGANTIC hill, they were the demise of my calves. But the vegan ice cream was amazing. Best sunday ever, i just wish i had been able to eat it all, there was just so much.
Then we went to jocie's and elise's birthday party which was located in scenic paul and cory's studio. it wasn't half bad. ivan and i fell asleep on the couch at about 1 45 am and we all left finally at about 2 30.
next day we ate yummy vegan food then we had to go home : (

So now i sit here waiting for either my work to call me or for ivan to get off of work so i can go over to his house. I should probably be working on my zine that's due out november 1st. we have a meeting tomorrow i'll tell you how it goes.

okay i'm done making you bored