Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm going to miss the rain

What does it mean to be in and to fall in love? Who actually qualifies as the one your in love with? The one who you miss? The one you’re jealous of? The one you clean up after? The boy making funny faces at me from across the library?
I’ve been with the same person for two years and already it feels like we are an old married couple. I use to want the relationship that I’m in; a stable, comfortable relationship. All of that has changed though and I guess I don’t know what I want anymore. Which makes it hard for my mate since he feels he must change to better suit my needs. I really don’t know what those needs are though, honestly I don’t.
I look back and am a little sad. Maybe I’ve missed my chance at something else. Maybe that is why I’m feeling this way. Maybe I just want what’s just out of my reach and everyday it gets a little further until it completely disappears from sight.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my boyfriend. I absolutely adore him. He’s probably more than I deserve. Without him I don’t know what I would do, especially in Humboldt which is just not the place for me. I just wonder why I am so lonely.
Maybe I’m just in a funk. Maybe I want too much or maybe I just need to know what I need. I’m not searching for love like in the movies. I’m searching for happiness. Sometimes love isn’t all you need. People accuse me of being selfish for such a goal but I feel it would be nice to find happiness and share it with someone.

And recently I've made a new friend and it already seems like we've know each other much longer than a few days. All of a sudden I find myself wishing I could stay just another week or so but I know I don't want to stay here. Relationships are fickle even if they are just the kind for friends and it would seem silly to stay for that. I'm sure he'll get tired of me before the week is through anyway. I find myself excited about going home and being able to start working again and seeing my friends but i already i begin to feel nostalgic.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

i wish i had the funds to make vegan cheesecake. i really want it right now. whenever i do have the time/money it always seems to be gone before i get the chance to have a piece. i guess that's what i get for living with two boys.
i think i'll spend most of my day in the library today, working on finals and such. i really want to practice cello today.
i don't even know what i'm talking about. just rambling i guess

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

for all the snobs out there this one is for you. I came across this site today through a link from fetch dog. I actually think it's pretty funny and if you know, or think you know, your stuff it is. They have sections on music snobbery, film snobbery, and food snobbery. Mostly it takes whacks on people who think they are snobs like mentioning Juno and the "scene in which Jason Bateman’s 40-ish yuppie character communes with young Juno (Ellen Page) by playfully arguing over the merits of Herschell Gordon Lewis versus those of Dario Argento. The concept isn’t bad, but the scene is about as believable as the name Diablo Cody." They also have stuff like Five songs that sound like they ought to be sung by the muppets