Monday, November 10, 2008

it's official

i am now homeless.
i decided that i couldn't really afford rent at my house so i'm staying with friends right now, will perhaps camp around. it'll be an adventure to say the least.
i quit nordstrom recently. saturday is my last day. that job has just been creating too much unneeded stress in my life right now with too little pay. i have a job at a gluten-free market called Stella Lucy's down by del mar. it's really nice, i love it, but unfortunately i only work saturdays. it should be enough to pay my car payments for the moment, but sadly no rent.
i've been missing my friends up north and the new plan is to move up next semester.
i feel like i'm a little messed up right now. as most of you know i've finally been able to move on from my relationship with ivan. that's not to say that i'm over it or anything but it's what's best. i miss the friendship more than anything. dating someone for so long, i guess that that's bound to happen. he was, after all my best friend for over two years.
i just learned that sean and jocie (my old best friends) recently broke up as well. i think that that's for the best as well. it really solidifies things though for some reason.
i'm dating someone new and it's going okay. he's not really someone i ever saw myself dating but things seem to be working out as well as i could hope for, which is not well on my side but very good on his side. so at least one of us is happy.

....yeah... that's all for now.