Wednesday, December 5, 2007

not the greatest place to be

i wish you would grow up.

both of you.

one of you continually preaches about being a free spirit or whatever the fuck it is that you want and preach against labels. tragically all you do is label people. you pretend like you are so mature and so grown up, that you've gone through so much and sure you've been through shit, but everyone has, you just never learned from it. that's what makes you mature, when you can deal with your shit and better yourself because of it. why don't you stop judging people for one second jocie and look at yourself. at least i don't make an ass of myself and continually embarrass those who try to love me. you're a walking contradiction.

you, on the other hand, love people like her. you defend them and praise them and i just don't understand your logic. you are "so old" and i don't understand what its like to be an adult. what? because you're 20? fuck you. i'm not the one with a 15 yeah old best friend which would be weird even if she weren't a girl. you say i don't understand what its like to have all of these responsibilities, to work and go to school. well you don't pay for your school either. you never have to worry about that. you don't pay rent. you don't even pay for food. you're far better of than i and you can't even see it. i'm not a child so stop continually treating me like one because it makes you seem like an idiot who refuses to listen. can you go through one conversation without interrupting the other person. i know you can't with me, or at least you never have been able to. i'm not like you're preteen girlfriends who let you get away with that.

this just isn't going to work