Monday, March 31, 2008

my holiday

has been spent on catching up on ANTM via youtube, a small (very small) work out, looking up places in SF, sewing my jeans, and general nothingness.

so my new find (thanks to Tiff) is stuff white people like.
my favorites being apple, bicycles, and, well it's all pretty funny especially coming from orange county and being around people who are actually like that.

I gave a little research to Mathangi Arulpragasam (M.I.A.) since I've only heard a couple of her songs and there's all this hype about her. Sean first introduced her to Ivan and I circa 2006? i think but now everyone is like OMG M.I.A.
So here's the scoop on her. Born in England to a Tamil activist-turned militant, she moved back to Sri Lanka when she was 6 months old. To make a long story short she, her mother and siblings had to move frequently trying to avoid the civil war/ethnic conflict with little contact from her father who was obviously involved in the struggle. Finally they ended up back in the UK as refugees. Now 11 she started to learn English and first heard Western radio from her neighbor's flats in London. She started off as an artist and designed an album cover for Elastica and went on tour with them and Peaches where she was encouraged to become a musician and the rest is history as they say.

like her because she's legit and sings about real issues. any violence in her music is about civil war, guerilla warfare, etc, not some glorified graphic sent out for shock value, if you can call that shocking anymore.

she grows on you

I think she looks like Daniel's girlfriend, Roxy and no it's not the hair

oh and ps this story isn't actually true. it's a segment called the best story ever on a canadian political news show called the hour. People usually just tell fake stories, and it's supposed to be obvious. Tom green told a story about how he almost bled to death with his ribs sticking out and he was bleeding in the bathroom for fifteen minutes.

Friday, March 28, 2008

don't you wish you're car insurance were as cheap as you are

I know i do

who does she think she's kidding

does anyone know what significantly higher fasting plasma triacylglycerol values do to your body? it promotes cardiovascular disease (particularly in men). that's what HFCS does to you. Studies done actually have suggested that fructose does increase obesity. Large quantities of fructose stimulate the liver to produce triglycerides, promotes glycation of proteins and induces insulin resistance. According to one study, the average American consumes nearly 70 pounds of HFCS per annum, marking HFCS as a major contributor to the rising rates of obesity in the last generation.
fructose is more readily converted to fat by your liver than is sucrose, increasing the levels of fat in your bloodstream and also contributes to high cholesterol and diabetes. I can't believe that people would believe her.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

i found the review...There Will Be Blood

i wrote this back in february and since i've had requests for

There Will Be Blood seems to follow the new cinematic craze of long silences, small hints of a soundtrack and cinematography that is reminiscent of early film noir classics. This, Paul Thomas Anderson accomplishes flawlessly and unlike No Country For Old Men you won’t find yourself glancing at your watch to check the time. Based on Upton Sinclair’s Oil!, There Will Be Blood takes us from the American dream to an American nightmare. It is a film that tells the classic story of greed, envy, and damnation in biblical proportions. We meet Daniel Plainview who finds his personal heaven and hell in an Old Testament town full of New Testament evangelicalism. His only two enemies, mankind and God, never let him rest. Daniel Day-Lewis’s performance leaves nothing for the asking as the man who holds competition at his breast.
With a tangle of relationships there is enough plot aside from murderous greed to keep the story going. The relationships circle around fathers, sons, and brothers with little on-screen time for women so don’t look for any romance. There aren’t unrealistic ideals here.
However, the bond between Plainview and H.W. (Dillon Freasier) raises the stakes enough to give the emotional strength required.
We see Plainview and are constantly reminded by brimstone and flame, created by oil wells, of where he stands in this world.
The only note to make is Paul Dano’s characters, Eli and Paul Sunday, who are in fact brothers but it confuses some thinking that they are in fact the same person. Originally Dano was only cast as Paul but when the original actor for Eli fell through Dano was brought in. It was too late to reshoot the scene with Paul Sunday so they were made twins. The fact that Dano so thoroughly convinces us of Eli’s psychopathic nature is what primarily convinces us that they could be one in the same.
While initially the film may seem slow just wait, let it engulf you and you will sucked right in like Eli’s followers at a sermon. Sound is crucial, even in its absence but when the soundtrack comes int it is nothing less than perfect. Let Day-Lewis’ reverberating tone pull you in with its charming wolfish perversity. You will follow him as he reaches Little Boston and finds a whole sea waiting just for this oilman. It seems so easy until Eli Sunday throws Plainview’s second enemy, religion, on the doorstep with impish ferocity.
H.W., the infant he adopts when the boy’s father dies in Plainview’s first accident in an oil well. H.W. is the closest he gets to true love even if he does exploit H.W.’s boyish charm and family values. When H.W. goes deaf Plainview is heartbroken, but not openly, and never forgives himself as his once partner and companion becomes standoffish, suspicious, and jealous. The heartbreak lasts until the end, both that of Plainview and H.W. The chemistry between the actors brings that side to it when easily we could have forgotten Plainview’s love, which makes him human. That is why we love Plainview. Even if he seems a heartless killer, a ravenous miser, he is capable of love and to us that gives him light. It gives us more than just horrified fascination.
In the final scene Plainview takes final revenge on both man and God with a charge of blistering violence. With biblical exultation Plainview utters, “I’m finished.” It just about leaves you breathless.
Lovers of a sugar coated sweet story will hate this film. If you have no sense of adventure, don’t even bother. But then again, if you were looking for that you’d probably dislike me as well.

It's attatched to your rod motherlicker!

well now that we've all seen it about 50 times i can only say it gets funnier each time. i remember watching it the first time and thinking how could anyone think this is funny...well, now i'm a believer.
and i've actually looked the whole episode with Noel Fielding's other character. i didn't even realize before but he plays old gregg as well

i also suggest other episodes of the mighty boosh. Fountain of Youth is a good one but i'm not allowed to embed it, hit up youtube


possibly the best game ever.
I think it teaches great morals about our great capitalist nation. seriously give it a try. i never end up playing more than about 5 minutes since mcdonalds fires my incompetent ass rather swiftly.

in other news...peeps...i'm a little late for easter since i've been obviously rather lazy but i think you'll enjoy it all the same.
who knew peeps could be so...expressive

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

sociology and photoshoots

so apparently there is intelligent life in my sociology class. this is the one where a girl once said that we should just kill all of the criminals and that there is nothing wrong with the privatization of prisons...yeah...right. but i found people actually saying the EXACT same things that i've told them. initially all i could think of was...what the fuck these people are stealing my ideas then i though...meh okay at least they're not afraid of me anymore. a kid quoted my whole "We vs Me" societal issue thing and they're all talking about how the structure is the problem and i feel i'm gathering a small band of rebels...actually i feel its more hilarious than anything else...don't ask me why.
photo shoot with kamila today went pretty well although we might have exposed all the film on the viewfinder camera...that's one of those super old ones that you put on a little cape to see under. it looks kind of like an accordion. at least the digitals came out well. i took a bath afterwards and forgot how much eye makeup i had been wearing...needless to say i looked like a raccoon.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

spoiled brats

i'm on a cleaning rampage at the moment. my dorm is a cotastrophy. yesterday i cleared out the mold off our window and hopefully saturday i'll get the kitchen clean. today my task is the room. i'm not sure how successful it'll be since there's still a bunch of ivan stuff here but that should be changing soon...hopefully. basically my roommates/suitemates need to learn to get off of their ass and clean. we have our very own valley girl who probably just goes here since she couldn't get accepted to anything better. she has her brand new red jeep which she calls a "hunk o'junk" and NEVER does her dishes. my roommate, Lisa, stacked her dishes yesterday since they were monopalizing the entire kitchen and our little valley girl flipped and wrote an angry message on the chalk board. personally i find it a little funny since she really has nothing going for her. she doesn't particularly have good looks, she's not ugly by anymeans but she's not the typical blonde bimbo valley girls that get away with being bitchy and immature since they're so stereotipically gorgeous, but no, she's just a complaining, lazy girl who can't clean and makes us all sick with her undercooked food.
I almost forgot how good Los Bagels is and fear i may die in may when i move back to orange county.
I've found myself back in the world of sticky buns, blueberry muffins, slugs, and of course regular bagels with amazingness on top aka the best cream cheese i've ever had, veggies, fresh blackberry jam, etc...mmm now i'm getting hungry
yeah, you're jealous

you know you like it

Sunday, March 23, 2008

horton hears a who

saw it and i have to say that if you watch this clip you'll have seen the best part of the film...

the funny thing is i believe i actually had a conversation about farting butterflies with someone, we decided that it would be a horrible idea since everyday when you took off your pants you'd find dead butterflies