Tuesday, March 25, 2008

spoiled brats

i'm on a cleaning rampage at the moment. my dorm is a cotastrophy. yesterday i cleared out the mold off our window and hopefully saturday i'll get the kitchen clean. today my task is the room. i'm not sure how successful it'll be since there's still a bunch of ivan stuff here but that should be changing soon...hopefully. basically my roommates/suitemates need to learn to get off of their ass and clean. we have our very own valley girl who probably just goes here since she couldn't get accepted to anything better. she has her brand new red jeep which she calls a "hunk o'junk" and NEVER does her dishes. my roommate, Lisa, stacked her dishes yesterday since they were monopalizing the entire kitchen and our little valley girl flipped and wrote an angry message on the chalk board. personally i find it a little funny since she really has nothing going for her. she doesn't particularly have good looks, she's not ugly by anymeans but she's not the typical blonde bimbo valley girls that get away with being bitchy and immature since they're so stereotipically gorgeous, but no, she's just a complaining, lazy girl who can't clean and makes us all sick with her undercooked food.
I almost forgot how good Los Bagels is and fear i may die in may when i move back to orange county.
I've found myself back in the world of sticky buns, blueberry muffins, slugs, and of course regular bagels with amazingness on top aka the best cream cheese i've ever had, veggies, fresh blackberry jam, etc...mmm now i'm getting hungry
yeah, you're jealous