Monday, November 5, 2007

school, art, and life

So today I got news that I am in fact NOT going to go to school in San Francisco. I talked to my dad today and he has decided not to pay for school unless I go to BYU, which is just not a place I want to be. Good news is that I am still moving to San Francisco. I still plan on living with Tiffany which I think will be a wonderful experience. I also plan to work my tush off so that I can pay for school next year. At least this gives me a year off to audition for ANTM haha.
In other news I've been having problem with my diet and found out that I am really not getting as many calories as I need so I'm going back to the vegetarian diet. I'm just not rich enough to be vegan at the moment, which is a bummer but at least this time I didn't cry when I ate ice cream which is a pretty good thing as far as I'm concerned.
Kamila really helped me out today and made me feel much better. I'm really lucky to have her around.
I went to a speaker tonight, he was representing Queer Muslims and just talking to us. Some guys behind us were ridiculous. I could hear them saying that "there's no way he's a practicing Muslim" and i was shocked. How dare these boys, they were not close to men, say something like that. what right do they have to pass that judgement? Did they study the Koran? I doubt it.
They were just stupid college students. They kept asking him random questions that had nothing to do with what he was talking about. Right as I was about to say something to them, they left. I'm bummed I didn't get to say anything but at least they stopped harassing the poor guy.
In other news I got to make vegan cheesecake from scratch. Everyone liked it, especially the nonvegans haha. Apparently i'm a good pastry chef. It was delicious