Sunday, May 17, 2009


after the flea market i headed up to riverside to see my friend mike. <---
for people who don't know, mike was one of my mini-muses last fall when i was writing more (in Naomi, which is still not finished). I met him on his birthday last year, then he ended up being in arcata during a trip i took back "home" there. since then we became friends.

i think most people have heard mike xvx (you can listen to his stuff here)
but i met paul's friend miguel as well.

i suggest you CHECK HIM OUT

he also plays trombone in a band called citizen fish if you are familiar.

his solo stuff is pretty folky and awesome

and to the sons and daughters of he doesn't have a profile up, so i may have to make one. i'm trying to decide if it's creepy for me to do that or not...