Friday, January 18, 2008

banana love

it's so strange how things work out the way they do. six months ago i would have never though that banana and i would be back to where we were. it really gives a new meaning to friendship. it's the most wonderful feeling when you haven't talked to someone in almost a year and the minute you get back together it's like you were never apart.
we've had so many wonderful times and i really love her so much.

so basically i'm just rambling about jordan and that she's my favorite and that we are each other's favorite.

when i move, i seem to move for other people which i don't really see as a bad thing. i love going to new places and having new experiences and if someone wants to go somewhere and they are willing to have me come as well, i'm down. i don't think that i could live very far from jordan, she is the biggest reason i want to stay here. i will miss her smile so much. she's the one who really understands and truly accepts me for who i am.

our "fight", our "falling out" was just as bazaar as our reunion. i guess we both knew that we each needed to grow and that we needed to do that growing by ourselves. that's the way i could best describe it.

so jordana banana i love you