Sunday, January 20, 2008


two things that i simply do not understand.
1) my biopsy went incredibly well and i'm completely healthy and perfect. so why does my aunt have to go off and blab to everyone. obviously she has not had this happen to her. unfortunately it has happened to me twice. this experience...not the biopsy. when something very or even slightly tragic happens in your life, it is not custom to go tell everyone about it. or at least such is the case avec moi. when there is something like illness or in my previous case the death of a parent or other close relation, it is not the best thing to keep talking about it to the person experiencing the loss or what have you, especially when it is from people they did not tell and these people happen to be making baby noises or whatever to try and comfort said person.
honestly, i had a small surgery, i didn't digress to the age of 4, for heaven's sake.
I understand though that they are just trying to help, or whatever is going through their mind, but in reality it just creates more stress and frustration.
i was totally comfortable and fine until all of these people started calling. this is why i didn't tell people, so that they wouldn't be freaking out over nothing especially because this really is nothing. most women have this done. really, it is not a big deal.

2) sometimes i question some people's taste level. i went into a store called No Fear today with a friend (if that friend ever reads this, i apologize) . its a place that carries brands like SKIN, SOCAL, metal militia, etc. it's all bro/bro-ho clothes. first of all i was not comfortable in the least bit even being in that store. it's the trashiest i've ever felt and i don't even wear those clothes. there was a sales boy who was giving my friend his opinion and such on the windbreaker that she wanted. he was definitely hitting on her. i was definitely rude to him. very wannabe bro, very wannabe thug, just a wannabe and frankly he made me uncomfortable in more ways than one. when he rang her up he was shamelessly hitting on her and one of the "tricks" he used was talking to his coworker about his mom. basically he said he needed to get out on time so his mom wouldn't have to wait to pick him up. his coworker noted that he was "so considerate" blah blah blah and my friend smiled. all i could think don't drive? this guy was in his 20s and his mom was driving him? which also meant that he probably lived with his mother. all i could do was roll my eyes and juggle sarcastic remarks around in my head. when we left i finally said "well he's a winner" and my friend laughed and stuff as i threw out my remarks which were probably harsh but still... and then she was like "well...i dunno...i thought he was cute" that same conversation she said that if it came between a really nice guy and a really hot bro guy she would probably go with the bro, even though she said she knew she would wish for the nice one.
this made me feel horrible. since when did women decide to date men based purely on looks. truthfully that's not my top priority in attraction and i honestly did not think girls would rather go for the "hot" guy than a nice or intelligent guy.

which brings me to another point. the things the sexist things i can think of are intelligence, passion, and ambition. i don't care how superficially "attractive" a guy is, if he can't carry on a decent conversation then he might as well be jabba the hut and if he can that makes him attractive despite possible physical flaws.
of course i have physical characteristics i'm into, it would be inhuman not to, but by no means are they the most important thing i look for. does that make me too picky?
maybe that's why i haven't had this huge dating career. looking back, yeah there's always guys that are interested in me but lack of intellect and ignorance are the most unattractive things in the world. i've turned down a number of boys in my life and believe me it wasn't for a problem of aesthetics. i don't think i have high standards...well i guess i do, but i feel that i deserve that right.